July 30th
26:1-9. Matthew 13:54-58
Listen to the thoughts
ad words of others, and
as Our Holy Spirit reveals
truth in them respond constructively.
The Word speaks through
Scripture and through the
minds and hearts of those
dedicated to the Father’s
will, offering encouragement,
comfort and a call to repentance,
renewal and to re-dedication
in the way of righteousness,.
of justice and of love.
As the Incarnate Word spoke
to His relatives and friends
in Nazareth so does He speak
to individual, community
and nation. Let the one
and many listen with open
heart and mind and in the
silence of eternity to the
still small voice of truth
and respond in faith and
trust and absolute self-giving.
I, the Father’s Word
Incarnate and Incarnate
Love, am the Way, the Truth,
the Life.