December 30th
John 2:12-17. Luke 2:36-40
The whole earth and the
whole created world is contained
in the love of Him who created
them and is continually
creating. The Word proceeding
from His love is part of
both the creation and the
re-creation of all that
is or was or ever shall
I, beloved and loving Son
of the Lord Creator, am
His word and His love in
all things. Incarnate love
and His incarnate word I,
with and through Our Holy
Spirit bring the redeemed
and sanctified creation
to the Presence of the Lord
of All in the grace and
power of Our redeeming,
sanctifying love.
The sons of men, beloved
sons and daughters of the
Lord Creator, are called,
enabled and empowered to
enter in their loving Father’s
glorious cosmic purpose
and seek His will in faith
and trust and absolute self-giving.