Wednesday, December 1st
Isaiah 25:6-10 Matthew15:29-37

The Father’s Word Incarnate, who also is His Incarnate Love, has destroyed death in life for all who seek His will in the fulfilment of His loving purpose: the veil separating the sons and daughters of the Father’s love from His Presence is destroyed through My death, and life eternal offered through the grace and power of My indwelling.

I am the Bread of Life to all receiving Me in mind and heart, healing to those who seek the wholeness which the Father yearns to give, holiness to all aspiring to the fulness of the glorious Presence of the of the Most High.

And when life ends for the sons and daughters of the Father’s love all faithful and obedient in Our love I, the Good Shepherd, bring the loved and loving ones through the cloud of separation to the King and Kingdom of eternal life and light and love.