December 20th
7:10-14. Luke 1:26-30
Desire truth with every
fibre of your being and
follow as Our Holy Spirit
leads and guides. I, the
Way, the Truth, the Life,
call and challenge one and
all in the Father’s
world. Without truth you
cannot know or find the
way or receive the life
and power for living according
to the will and loving purpose
of Him who loved you into
being: I speak to every
one of the Father’s
beloved sons and daughters.
The good purpose of the
Father’s perfect will
may be known as it is desired
and sought, grace and power
to respond given to one
and all who follow faithfully
and obediently in the way
offered. Is it not written,
‘in returning and
rest you will be saved,
in quietness and confidence
is your strength’?
The Mother of Incarnate
Love points the way, My
beloved Mother prays constantly
for one and all in the Father’s
Presence. Identify with
her prayer and offer your
whole self to Love’s
indwelling: I speak to every
one of the Father’s
beloved sons and daughters
in every place and race
and time and dispensation.