April 6th
2:36-41. John 20:11-18
He who has created and
is continually creating
all that is or was or ever
shall be has entered in
all that He creates in a
new way. The substance and
the essence of the Lord
God of all creation presents
the power of all creation
to His created world and
so to all the sons and daughters
of His love who turn and
recognise and receive Him.
Take to yourself this glorious
mystery, beloved of Father,
Son and Holy Spirit: make
it the foundation and inspiration
of all you think and say
and do, and share it as
you are led and prompted
and enabled, and relate
to it in others.
The life and light and
joy of Our Presence is for
all who seek it in faith
and love and absolute self-giving.
The light present on the
horizon of every one born
into the Father’s
world shines increasingly
in all who turn and welcome
it into the centre of their
being, the truth grows in
the power of the light received
and the life strength and
progress in the grace and
purpose of Our redeeming,
sanctifying love.