April 10th
4:13-21. Mark 16:9-15
The open mind and the ready
heart receive the truth
the Lord of all seeks to
give to one and all: all
who close their mind and
heart to truth bring loss
and harm on themselves and
on the one and many near
and far. All are free to
choose truth or deny it
as it is revealed to them,
but turning from the light
brings darkness in the way
and loss of direction in
their life and living.
I, the Father’s Word
Incarnate and Incarnate
Love, His Son beloved and
loving, am the Resurrection
and the Life, the light
revealing truth and the
way of life eternal. Receive
in faith and trust the rising
sun within your heart and
mind: let it increasingly
reveal your direction according
to the Father’s will
and loving purpose, grace
and power to walk in it
as you are led and guided
by Our Holy Spirit. I speak
to every one of the Father’s
beloved sons and daughters
in every place and race
and dispensation.