Tuesday, April 20th
Acts 7:51-8:1. John 6:30-35

The Father’s glory is from before time was or anything created, His power extends through all eternity. And I, His Son, beloved and loving, am the first emanation of His love and power and glory. Entering the created world I am, with and through Our Holy Spirit, the Father’s redeeming, sanctifying love to all creation.

I am the sign and fulfilment of the Father’s love, offered to the beloved sons and daughters of His love for their fulfilment and perfection in Him in time and through eternity. I am the Bread of life to all who take me into heart and mind in the grace of Our redeeming, sanctifying love.

Feed on me, then, in faith and trust and thanksgiving and I will bring you to the joy and fulness of the Father as you continue faithful in Our love.