April 3rd
6:3-11. Luke 24:1-12
As you are dead in baptism
and were given new life
in Our Holy Spirit so have
you died again to self-determination
and self-will: and as I
died in My incarnate life
and was raised up by the
Father so do I offer you
My risen life in the grace
and power of Our redeeming,
sanctifying love. And so
it is for every one of the
Father’s beloved sons
and daughters in every place
and race and time. Embrace
this glorious mystery, beloved
of the Father and of Me,
and meditate on its meaning.
Pray to be enlightened in
its truth.
I, the Father’s beloved
and loving Son, enter heart
and mind open to the joy
and the power and dynamic
of My death and risen life.
To all receiving it I am
the Resurrection and the
Life, the Way the Truth
the Life to all believers
. Commit yourself wholly
to the grace and power of
Our indwelling.