Wednesday, September 9th
Colossians 3:12-17. Luke 6:20-26

The life the Father offers is in Me in and through Our Holy Spirit. The creation and the re-creation of the one in the context of the whole is the purpose of all life and living in the grace and power of Our indwelling. Such was the Father’s will and loving purpose from the beginning: so it now and shall be ‘till all things are accomplished in His glorious Presence.

Come, then, let Us cleanse the springs of action in all you think and say and do and make you holy in the grace and power of Our love. So shall We draw you into that unique perfection the Father planned for you before time was. So shall We make you a channel of Our love to others and enable you to glorify the Father in your faithfulness and obedience I speak to every one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters.