Friday, September 11th
1 Timothy 1:1-2, 12-14. Luke 6:39-42

I am your strength and your redeemer: let me fill you with the grace and power of My love. So will I be your light and life and joy and fulfil in you the good purpose of the Father’s perfect will. So will you become Our life and light and joy to others according to the Father’s will and loving purpose.

Our Holy Spirit cleanses heart and mind and brings knowledge, understanding and the wisdom of Eternal Love to all who seek to serve in faith and trust and self-giving.

Praise, thank and glorify the Father who calls you to Himself and enables you to serve through My indwelling and the dynamic of Our Holy Spirit. Let Me live and pray and love increasingly in you and bring you to the fulness of the Father.

I speak to one, I speak to every one.