Monday, September 28th
St. Wenceslaus
1 Peter 3:14-17. Matthew 10:34-39

Seek the Father’s will in all things. Identify with His loving purpose both for yourself and for all with whom you have to do. Pray for those who hurt you that We may make you a channel of Our redeeming, sanctifying love. I speak to all committed in the Father’s will and loving purpose. The Father’s will is established and extended where the one and many are faithful and obedient in His love. All things work together for good in those who love in faith and trust and absolute self-giving.

Spend time with Me in Gethsemane, follow me to Golgotha: listen there and be prepared to be conformed to the spirit of My sacrificial offering. So shall We bring you to the fulness of eternal life in fellowship with all whom you have loved and prayed for. So will you be enabled to glorify the Father in the fulfilment of His will and loving purpose in you and in all He empowered you to do and to become.