Tuesday, June 2nd
Ss. Marcellinus and Peter
Corinthians 6:4-10. John 17:11-19

You are called to faithfulness, holiness and self-giving: I speak to one, I speak to all. Many have been faithful in past generations, some in persecution, suffering and death. They sought the Father’s will in all things and witnessed to the truth in love and absolute self-giving. They knew that they were not alone and that I was with them in all they experienced and suffered: now they rejoice with the faithful of all times and places in the fulness of the Father’s glorious purpose in His Presence through all eternity.

And I, the Father’s Son beloved and loving, with Him in creation and in the re-creation of His world, am present too, and with and through Our Holy Spirit, present the redeemed and sanctified creation in the glorious fulfilment of all things in earth and Heaven.

Dedicate yourself wholly, then, to Truth, and pray to become an agent of this great consummation with all the redeemed and sanctified in Our love.