June 10th
Kings 18:20-39 Matthew 5:17-19
Pray to know the Father’s
will and for faithfulness
to it as you identify it.
Pray that the one and many
in every dispensation in
the world may come to know
that only in seeking, finding
and faithfulness to the
Father’s will is peace
and progress, fulfilment
and perfection in eternal
life. I am The Way, The
Truth, The Life, and I come
that the one and many may
have life abundantly and
The Law is written on each
heart and mind committed
to the Father’s will
and loving purpose, opened
up in all communities and
people faithful to it. It
is the law of love –
love for the Creator Lord,
Father of every one born
into the world of His creation,
and love for one and all
within it. Though responding
to the Father’s Word
and receiving the Father’s
Love the Father’s
will is done through the
grace and power of Our Holy
Spirit. Be loved and loving
in the name and reality
of Love’s Being.