Monday, June 1st
1 Corinthians 1:18-25. Matthew 5:13-19

Truth is one and undivided yet many-faceted. It is not necessary for the faithful follower to know and possess all truth, nor is it possible. But all may enter into it who respond to the word of truth offered, in the grace and power of love given. All responding grow in eternal life and are given to know and do the Father’s will as they continue faithful in Our love.

This is the wisdom and the power and the glory of eternal truth. And all who begin to know and understand these things, dimly but increasingly, perceive the part played by Suffering Love in the cosmic, loving purpose. And they pray and work to become part of this tremendous operation. I, Incarnate Truth, the Father’s Suffering Servant, with and through Our Holy Spirit, bring all who are in Me and I in them into the fulness of all wisdom, light and life and love through time into eternity.