June 15th
Kings 21:1-16. Matthew 5:38-42
All sin and by little or
by much fall short of the
will and loving purpose
of their Heavenly Father.
The sin of some is serious
indeed, of some so deadly
that they perish in their
wickedness unless they turn,
repent, and seek the way
of righteousness and service.
Let Our love be your breastplate
when others seek to hurt
or harm you: so shall their
aggressiveness be deflated
and you yourself be protected
from their harm. The will
and loving purpose of the
Father potentially unites
the needy and the plentifully
endowed as it is sought
and made the mainspring
of all life and living.
Pray that Our love so fill
your heart and mind that
you serve the Father in
His Kingdom of eternal life
and light and love and become
a channel of Our love to
others near and far through
the light and guiding of
Our Holy Spirit.