August 4th
John Vianney
Ezekiel 3:16-21. Matthew 9:35-10:1
To all who seek truth the
word is offered: as it is
taken into heart and mind
love enters in the soul
and motivates and empowers
to action. As the Father’s
will is sought so are all
faithfully committed in
Our love led and guided
by Our Holy Spirit, drawing
them towards caring service
of their fellowmen and women
and fellowship with one
The Father’s will
is that His world should
become the Kingdom of His
love. Let each one challenged
by the word respond by self-giving
in the grace and power of
Our love. So will direction
be given for action, and
sorrow, pain and loss diminished
in the Father’s world.
All responsive to the word
of truth in love and self-giving
are enabled through the
grace and power of My indwelling.