August 25th
Joseph Calasanz
1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13.
Matthew 18:1-5
In quietness, in confidence
and in trust is the way
for all faithfully committed
in the Father’s will
and loving purpose. Love
is the power and fulfilment;
the light and guiding of
Our Holy Spirit reveals
the way and empowers according
to the Father’s will.
Let nothing come between
your knowledge of this truth
and faithfulness in witness
to it in love and in self-giving
Love is the fulfilling
of the Father’s will
and loving purpose. Have
I not shown the way? Through
My life laid down and restored
in the Father’s love
all may receive the grace
and power of Love’s
indwelling. So are they
enabled and empowered to
follow in the way in love
and in self-giving as they
are led and guided by Our
Holy Spirit.