Friday, February 29th
Hosea 6:1-6. Luke 18:9-14

Do not pay lip – service to the Lord your God, Father of all and the creator of all things. He heaps on you the bounty of His world and draws you to Himself, with all responsive to His loving purpose. What is your right response to such love and boundless generosity?

Through dedication to the loving Heavenly Father’s will the way is to be found in the grace and power of Our indwelling. The Father’s Word Incarnate, Who also is Incarnate Love, comes to all who, responsive in faith and trust, are cleansed, enabled and empowered by Our Holy Spirit as they continue faithful in the way.

Accept the pain and power of your redemption and identify with it in absolute self-giving. So will the joy of Eastertide be yours, in fellowship with all faithful in Our love.