Thursday. February 21st
Peter Damian
Timothy 4:1-5. John 15:1-8
It is the Father’s
will and loving purpose
to bring you to the fulness
of His love in His Kingdom
of eternal life and everlasting
joy. I speak to you, I speak
to all faithfully committed
in the way and to all who
find the going difficult
and look to Me to bring
them to that faithfulness
they seek.
Come often to My Presence
and I will fill you with
the power and joy of Our
love. So will We keep you
faithfully and constructively
in the way and you will
become a channel of Our
love to others. Such is
the Father’s will
and loving purpose for every
one of His beloved sons
and daughters; but all are
free to accept or to withhold
their full allegiance in
the way.
Come to me, abide in Me,
that you may know the fulness
of Eternal Life and Light
and Love.