Monday, February 11th
Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18. Matthew 25:31-46

You have the law given by your Creator Lord to every one of His beloved sons and daughters whoever lived or ever will. Obey it and explore its meaning with every fibre of your being. It is summed up in the words, “Love the Lord your God and your neighbour as yourself”.

The Son of Man revealed in time the meaning and the challenge of these words and the reward to all faithfully committed to them. But mark this well: through My death and risen life the faithful and obedient in Our redeeming, sanctifying love will fulfil the Father’s loving purpose through my indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. For I shall be with and in them: I progress in life eternal all faithful in Our love and bring them to the Father’s glorious Presence at the end of time.