Monday, February 25th
Kings 5, 1-16. Luke 4:24-30
Life is given by the Creator,
Lord of all that lives and
moves and has its being;
and the sons of men whom
He has created in His image
he calls to union with Himself
and fellowship with each
other. Water he sends to
sustain, maintain and to
be a symbol of cleansing
and refreshment. Cleansing
is offered to body, mind
and spirit as the beloved
sons and daughters of His
love accept His word and
are faithful and obedient
in the way.
Listen to the word spoken
in your heart and mind,
beloved of the Father and
of Me, the Father’s
Word Incarnate and His Incarnate
Love – I speak to
one, I speak to all. Give
time and space in your life
for listening as you are
led and guided by Our Holy
Spirit. Alone and with friends
and neighbours and the congregations
of the faithful praise,
glorify the Father and seek
His will and loving purpose
both for yourself and for
His world.