Thursday, October 4th
St. Francis of Assisi
Galatians 6:14-18. Matthew 11:26-30

Honour all who have identified with My redemptive love and lived faithfully in the power of it. Accept the joyful discipline of self-giving love and seek the Father’s will and loving purpose. Identify with My compassion for the one and many in the Father’s world and pray to have an active part in it: for such is each one called, such is the gracious power offered to all followers in the way through My indwelling and the overshadowing of Our Holy Spirit.

Offer all you have and all you are to the self-giving love of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You and every child of man are offered the creative, redemptive, sanctifying love of Our Total Godhead that you, and all responsive to this glorious, cosmic purpose, may become a part of it.