October 27th
8:1-11. Luke 13:1-9
The Father’s Love Incarnate
did for the sons of men what no
restrictive law could ever do, namely,
to offer freedom from the destructive
power of sin and self-service, in
the grace and power of His risen
life. For this I entered human life.
For this I died. For this the Father
raised me from the dead. Through
this all faithfully committed in
My redeeming love are liberated
and initiated in Us and in fellowship
with all so committed.
But there is more: all so committed
are brought into the knowledge and
obedience of the Father’s
will and loving purpose through
Our Holy Spirit as they progress
in faithfulness and constant renewal.
Realise your responsibility for
others: pray constantly for the
one and many as you are led and
guided, and live in love and charity
with all.