Friday, October 19th
Romans 4:1-8. Luke 12:1-7

Such love the Father has for His beloved sons and daughters as cannot be imagined in a thousand light years. You and every child of man in every place and race and dispensation are loved into existence by your Creator Lord, Father, protector, and dispenser of all good things and dynamic of eternal love. He is Eternal Love and seeks to draw His whole creation into the orbit of His Eternal Presence in time and through eternity.

Let the knowledge and the power of Our love cleanse, refresh, enable and empower you in your pilgrimage of life and in your service of the Father and His world. The grace and power of Our redeeming, sanctifying love will fulfil in you the good purpose of the Father's perfect will as you desire and seek Our Presence in your heart and mind. I, the Father’s Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word, am with you always, and I have overcome the world.