Sunday, October 21st
Exodus 17:8-13. 2 Timothy 3:14-4:2. Luke 18:1-8

The Father’s word is powerful to fulfil all He wills and purposes. But each child of man is called to listen in the quiet places of his heart and mind for and to that word in expectancy and readiness, trust and love. All who ask receive and they are blessed and fortified through the asking.

But no man is an island: all are dependent on each other and every beloved son and daughter of the Father is called to love and prosper friend and neighbour, the one and many whom he meets along the way and the sick and needy near and far. And there are those whom he will want to hold constantly in his loving prayer, supporting them in all they undertake according to the Father’s will and loving purpose, even as Joshua and Hur did for Moses at Rephidim.