Tuesday, June 19th
2 Corinthians 8:1-9. Matthew 5; 43-end

It is in the power and glory of the Father that you are called to service and self-giving according to the Father’s will and loving purpose. He gave His Son, beloved and loving, that all might have life and have it in abundance. And I laid aside that power and glory bestowed on Me before time was to be the means of the children of His love receiving it. Through My life laid down all identifying with My death and living in the grace and power of it are brought into that fulness and perfection designed for them before time was. So will they be drawn into the joy and glory of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in eternal love.

But you and all faithful in Our love are called and enabled – through the grace and power of Our indwelling – to be fashioned in perfection now. Open heart and mind that We may flood your soul with Our Presence and draw others into the Father’s Kingdom of eternal life and light and love and minister to the one and many in the way.