Tuesday, June 12th
1 Kings 7-16 Matthew 5:13-16

As salt is to the taste and light to the path so is My Presence to the children of the Father’s love. But I must be received and welcomed and made the power in thought and action in the way.

Desire the Father’s will in all things; make His loving purpose known through your integrity and the Presence of Our Holy Spirit in your heart and mind. So will you become Our light to others, Our purifying agent in the Father’s world.

Be obedient to the word within your soul and generous in response to it. So will your cup be full to overflowing and others will receive from it as you continue faithful in the way. And so it is for every one of Father’s beloved sons and daughters, All, all are called to receive and follow as they led and guided and all are charged to serve through the grace and power Our Indwelling.