Monday, June 11th
St. Barnabas
Acts 11:21-26; 13:1-3. Matthew 10:7-13

Since My time on earth the one and many in My Church have witnessed in faithfulness and love to the Father’s will and loving purpose. And through the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit the Gospel has been spread to all the Father’s world.

I, the Father’ Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love, call the one and many in My Church to renew their faithfulness and self-giving to the Father’s will in their life and work today. I am with each one in private prayer and meditation and in the corporate worship in My Church. And I am in the soul of each and every one who opens heart and mind to loving service of the Father and His world, Our Holy Spirit illumines the way.

The Father calls each one and all together to listen to His word within the soul and in their meetings with each other and to let My love – which is Our very Presence – be in all they think and say and do.