Monday, September 4th
1 Corinthians 2:1-5. Luke 4:16-29

The Son of Man is Lord of the whole earth according to the Father's appointment. So was it before all things were made, so is it now and shall be 'till the world shall end when He delivers the whole redeemed and sanctified creation into the hands of the Creator of All. I, the Father's beloved and loving Son am He who, united with the Father in creation, entered in His world as Incarnate Love and the Incarnate Word yet in the fulness of humanity. Through Love the world was made, through Love redeemed and through the power of suffering, dying, risen and ascended Love it is brought into the glorious Presence of Him who is and was and ever shall be to rejoice with Him and in itself for evermore.

Be challenged and inspired, enfired by this tremendous truth, beloved of the Father. Relate to it, identify with it and let Our saving, sanctifying love bring you to that fulness and perfection the Father seeks for you in the Kingdom of His love. I, the Father's Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love, am the suffering Son of Man: follow Me in faith and trust and love and absolute self-giving that you be oned with Us and with the whole redeemed and sanctified creation.