Monday, September 11th
1 Corinthians 5:1-6. Luke 6:6-1

There is no sin or flagrant breaking of the law by the sons of men which is not visited by contrary consequence in this world and the next. Sin causes separation from the Lord of Life unless confessed and the sinful act or life rejected. All refusing to be challenged by this truth damn up the flow of life into their heart and mind and prevent the development and maturing of the soul.

Pray to be defended from the deadliness of mortal sin both for yourself and others. I am constantly at hand to save from stumbling and retrieve the wayward and penitent who desire to find and walk in the fulness of the abundant life. I am the Resurrection and the life. Come to Me that you may have life and have it in abundance. I speak to one, I speak to all in every place and race and faith and time.