Tuesday, September 19th
1 Corinthians 12:12-14, 27-31. Luke 7:11-17

All that you are is given you by the Father: the embryo planted in your Mother's womb, the body issuing in due time, the mind and heart - all are gifts from the loving Heavenly Father. And so it is for every one of the Father's beloved sons and daughters.

And you are drawn into a larger unit of being and becoming, and not one but many: family, community, associations in work and leisure and relationships - all are part of the Father's purpose for the sons and daughters of His love.

The Father gave Me, His Son beloved and loving, to enter in the human world in time to be a pattern of the perfect life, saviour, redeemer, yet friend and brother of each and every one. And through My death and risen life and the grace and power of Or Holy Spirit new life is offered to the one and many for the fulness and perfection of the whole.