Sunday, January 8th
Feast of the Epiphany (from the 6th.)
Isaiah. 60:1-6, Ephesians.3:2, 5-6. Matthew.2:1-12

I am the light to all who sit in darkness, the life abundant to all who seek and find. And I charge all who have received the light of my indwelling to be the bearer of My life and light to others. And how may they do this? by commitment to the Father's will and loving purpose in the grace and power of Our saving, sanctifying love.

There is no other way - how could there be? I am the Way, the Truth, the Life, the Father's Love Incarnate and His Incarnate word. The way is easy but utterly demanding, the truth simple but totally challenging, the life is satisfying and fulfilling.

Let the radiance of Incarnate life and light and love shine through you and reflect the glory of the Father in His world.