January 5th
John 3:11-21. John 1:43-51
Love is the power of earth
and Heaven for it is Our
very Presence. Invite Love
into your heart and mind:
let him cleanse and purify
your springs of action and
enter in the deep places
of your soul. So will He
commune with you there and
lead you towards the fulness
of eternal life in the Kingdom
of the Father: I speak to
all who seek to find and
to respond to Love's initiatives
I, the Father's Love Incarnate
and His Incarnate Word both
bring you to the precincts
of the Father's Presence
and unite you in fellowship
with the one and many in
the Father's world as you
continue faithful and obedient
in love and in self-giving.
Constantly commit yourself
to the Father's will and
loving purpose and continually
commune with me within your
soul both in prayer and
in your comings and your
goings. Ama!