Friday, January 13th
1 John 5:5-13. Luke 5:12-16

Truth is there to be explored, mysteries of divine love to be accepted and entered in with humility and self-giving as they are offered by the Lord of All. Let the mind be still in the Presence of the Lord of All. Incarnate Love will lead you to His glorious Presence as your heart responds in obedience and faithfulness to that which is revealed through word and sacrament.

I, the Father's Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word, with the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit, make all things new in the heart and mind of the faithfully committed. All who give themselves to truth in faith and trust, in love and in humility are brought to fulness through the light and power of our Indwelling. Let heart and mind be still in the Presence of Eternal Love.