Friday, March 25th
Good Friday
Isaiah 52:13-53:12. Heb. 4:14-16, 5:7-9. John 18:1-19,42

I am the Good Shepherd : each child of man within the Father's world I call by name. I gave My life to save and to redeem the one and many and I give My risen life to all responding to My call.

Identify with Me, beloved of the Father, leaders and followers. Be with Me constantly in The Garden, accompany me to Golgotha and watch through the painful hours of suffering even unto death.

My suffering and death were for your salvation and for all who will accept and have accepted it. No suffering offered in My Saving Name is in vain. All is caught up in My atoning sacrifice. It is the means of life eternal and the gate to the fullness of the Father's Kingdom of everlasting joy and love.

Abide in Me as I abide in you.