Tuesday, March 22nd
Isaiah 49:1-6. John 13:21-33, 36-38

Have no confidence in your own power of service and of faithfulness : the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Seek the Father's will in all things : He will enlighten and empower you in the way. The way is challenging and demanding : have I not trodden it and tread it still in all who are in Me and I in them ?

Remember: I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. All who are in me and I in them I bring to the fullness of eternal life in the glorious Presence of the Father and with all the faithful in Our saving, sanctifying love

Your faith and confidence in Me will be your progress and perfection. Glorify the Father in My Offering and constantly take into your heart and mind the power and joy of my enloving - and let it flow through you to others.
