Sunday, March 20th
Palm Sunday
Isaiah 50:4-7. Phil. 2:6-11. Matt. 26:27-66

Identify with Suffering Love as He identifies with you. Rejoice in His self-giving and let Him give you to those to whom the Father sends you. This is the open secret of all the saved and sanctified in Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Father's Kingdom has been in His glorious world from the beginning but man has alienated himself and - through his alienation - communities and people. But I have come to love a human life in time to redeem and save and offer full and abundant living.

Rejoice and sing "Hosanna" with the one and many. I save and - with Our Holy Spirit- sanctify all identifying with the Suffering Servant who is Incarnate Love. Be with Me in the Upper room and Gethsemane. Accompany Me to Golgotha.

Be comforted for I have overcome the world.