March 24th
Holy Thursday
Apoc. 1:5-8.
Luke 4:16-21. 1 Cor. 11:23-34
I bless and I appoint to loving
service in the Father's world all
who take Me into heart and mind
and let the light of truth illumine
and direct them. I, the Alpha and
the Omega, make all things plain
and give power for action to all
faithfully committed in Our saving,
sanctifying love.
And I gather My committed, loving
followers -all committed to the
truth in love and in self-giving
- to the Father and to their fellowmen
in communion with Him and with each
other. Through the taking I make
each My own, in the breaking I make
all things new. And I unite the
one and many with the Father through
Our Holy Spirit with all the redeemed
and sanctified in Love.