Tuesday,June 7th
2 Corinthians 1:18-22. Matthew 5:13-16

I came into the Father's glorious world that you may have life and have it in all fullness. I am consistently and ceaselessly in the Father's world that every child of man may have that life as they desire and seek it.

And you must be the catalysts, beloved of the Father - I speak to every single one committed in Our saving, sanctifying love. As you identify the word of truth within your mind and receive Incarnate Love within your heart and soul so must you become Our Presence in the Father's world. I seek to minister to all through the responsive and committed in My Name. This is the Father's will and loving purpose. Pray daily to become increasingly honed for service and illuminated by My Presence in your heart and mind. So will Out loving Holy Spirit fulfil in you the good purpose of the Father's perfect will.