Thursday, June 16th
2 Corinthians 11:1-11. Matthew 6:7-15

Realise the Father's presence even before you begin to pray to Him. For what is prayer but turning to Him in your heart and mind and offering your whole self to Him in love and in self-giving. Relax the mind and let your heart be warmed as you enter in the gentle stillness of eternity. Such is true prayer , the basis of all progress in the soul. The listening mind and dedicated heart are ready to receive the Father's word which He ceaselessly offers you.. And I, the Father's Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love enter the within soul and fill it with the Presence of All-Being. Pray constantly and be totally committed to the Father's will and loving purpose. So shall We reveal His will to you and enable you to do it as you pray, "Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done".