Sunday, June 12th
Exodus 9:2-6. Romans 5:6-1. Matthew 9:36-10:8

The will and loving purpose of the Father is that His beloved sons and daughters come into the fullness of His love in His Kingdom of eternal life and light and joy. But they must freely come : love may not be commanded : it must be offered , accepted and freely given. But he promised to protect and guide and guard all faithful and committed to His Name and loving purpose and to bring them to the fullness of Eternal Love.

And I, the Father's beloved and loving son, have come into His world to enable all the sons of men who seek to walk in truth and righteousness and love. I lived a human life, I died, and the Father raised Me from the dead. And I offer every child of man My risen life for perfection and fulfilment that they may become Our peace and life and joy to others in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love.

Wake to your glorious destiny, beloved of the Father, in love and in self-giving.