December 9th
Isaiah 48:17-19.
Matthew 11:16-19
The Father created and continually
creates you, beloved of the Father,
to share the power and glory of
His Being and to become one with
all that is or was or ever shall
be. And so it is for every one born
into His most glorious world and
shall be till the end of time.
But He has given freedom to the
one and many to choose the way of
light and love or to refuse it.
And if and when wrong choice is
made and sin and selfishness deface
and spoil the mind and heart of
the one and many He has provided
a new way of salvation which is
power to liberate from sin all who
seek forgiveness and restoration
in the way. Such is for every child
whoever lived or ever shall. I am
The Way, the Truth the Life, the
Father's Word Incarnate and Incarnate
Be reconciled in love and in self-giving
to Him who saves and sanctifies
you through the grace and power
of My indwelling and the light and
guiding of our Holy Spirit.
I speak to one, I speak to all.