December 20th
7:10-16. Luke 1:26-38
I came at the Father's bidding
into a safe and wholesome birth
into humanity, safe because the
Father and Our Holy Spirit enabled
and protected, wholesome through
the integrity and enfolding love
of My Beloved Mother. Such was the
Father's will and loving purpose
for the salvation and ennoblement
of the souls of men. For the appointed
time My human body grew in the Blessed
Virgin's womb and in due time I
was brought forth to witness to
the Father's loving purpose for
the sons of men and to be the means
of their salvation, wholeness and
their progress to eternal joy.
Pray for the obedience and faithfulness
of My beloved Mother. So will Incarnate
Love enter heart and mind and make
your soul a place for My Indwelling.
I speak to one, I speak to every