Sunday, April 3rd
Acts 2 42-47. 1 Peter 1:3-9. John 20:19-31

I, your Saviour and your Lord make all things new. Daily renew your faithfulness and commitment: trust where light is dim, rely on Me for your empowering. As you seek constantly the Father's will so will your progress and obedience be assured in the way. For I, your strength and your redeemer, am with you always, even till the end of time.

Listen for My word, look for My directing and give time and place for the cultivation of deep silence in your heart and mind. So shall I make My home in you and reach out to others . I speak to all faithfully committed in the way. My Presence in the soul and in the gathering is for all who will accept it. My risen life seeks constantly to enable and empower all who seek to serve the Father and his Kingdom in the power of our saving, sanctifying love.