April 25th
1 Peter 5:5-14.
Mark 16:15-20. St. Mark
You are My feet, My hands, My voice
, beloved of the Father - as you
are faithful and obedient in the
way. For through the dynamic of
Our love and the light and guiding
of Our Holy Spirit the Father's
will is done and His loving purpose
furthered in His world by all obediently
and faithfully committed in the
way. For I am The Way, the Father's
Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love.
Do not look for signs and wonders,
beloved of the Father, but let Us
make you the Father's signs within
His world, His love in action and
His signposts to eternal life. So
shall you have that peace which
passes knowledge and that joy which
has no end. Such is Our promise
and assurance to all who travel
on life's way in faith and trust
and love and absolute self-giving.