April 26th
Acts 14:19-28.
John 14:27-31
The peace which passes knowledge
is the Father's gift to all who
are committed to His will and loving
purpose. As I am the Father's gift
to His beloved sons and daughters
so am I His peace, a deep fulfilling
peace which springs from union with
Him and with all He is and purposes.
And I offer it to you and to all
who will receive it.
The peace the Father gives to all
who are in Me and I in them is constant,
unaffected by the toils and storms
of human life, for it is rooted
in Eternal Love
Our saving, sanctifying purpose
is for all who turn from service
of the self and offer all they have
and are to the Father's will and
loving purpose in the power of Our
indwelling and the light and guiding
of Our Holy Spirit.