April 19th
Acts 11:19-26.
John 10:22-30
The unity within the Godhead is
offered to the sons of men through
the power of Our saving, sanctifying
love. It is the Father's loving
purpose to draw all to Himself who
give themselves to Love's indwelling
and commit themselves to it transforming
and creative power.
Such works as I performed in My
incarnate life shall they do also
as Our Holy Spirit leads and guides.
So has it been from the beginning,
so will it continue even to the
Believe and trust, beloved of the
Father, and be alert that you may
hear and know the Father's bidding.
I, your strength and your redeemer,
will enable and empower you to become
and do all that is required of you.
Only be faithful and obedient in
love and in self-giving.