Friday, July 24th
Matthew 1:18-23

All who seek the way of faithfulness with sincerity and love will find it. For I will teach and train and tend them and progress them through My saving, sanctifying love, and - with Our Holy Spirit - will produce in them the fruits of faithfulness.

Each child of man, designed before time was to become and do that which the Father, in His infinite love, has purposed, I bring to his fulfilment as he continues faithful. However many times he fails and falls or deviates I will restore him as he is anchored in My saving love.

And as he puts his trust in Me I will fulfil in Him the Father's purpose in the world, enabling him to make that contribution the Father seeks from him. As he commits himself in love and in self-giving to the Father's will I lead him and provide all that is necessary to fulfil it.

And so at last the process is complete, the harvest garnered for all the faithful and the true of heart.