Tuesday, July 21st
Jesus said, "…….Anyone who does he will of My Father in Heaven,
he is My brother and sister and other"
Matthew 12:50

Life is for becoming and for doing the Father's will and loving purpose. His will is that the sons of men should attain to that perfection which he designed for all His children yet all contributing to that perfect fellowship which is the Kingdom of His love.

For this I lived a human life, suffered, dies and rose from death, My life the pattern of perfection, My death the gate to life eternal for all who seek the Father's will, My risen life the means of knowing and fulfilling it.

And all who seek to do and to become that which the Father in His infinite love designed and purposed before time was are my family. I am the Father's Love Incarnate . All who are in Me and I in them are members of that universal family of love extending from the beginning to the end of time.