Tuesday, October 29th
All of us who possess the first fruits of the spirit groan inwardly as we wait for our bodies to be set free ……..It is something we must wait for with patience.
Romans 8:23
Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is like the yeast a woman took and mixed in with three measures of flour till it was leavened all through"
Luke 13:20

I am the light and life and power in every human heart responding to the Father's love, and with Our Holy Spirit progress each child of man who walks in faith and trust. And as each one is faithful to Our light and leading, Our saving love his power for progress in the way, so does he witness to the Father's love for all His glorious creation. And he becomes a part of the first-fruits of that new creation the Father has prepared for all the faithful and the true of heart.

And as the pain of growth and encounters with the fallen world of man becomes the experience of each child of man as he progresses in the way let it be realised that I have walked the way of pain and suffering in My incarnate life. The pain now suffered in the world is known by the Father and by Our Holy Spirit, suffered and made a part of the redemption of the whole creation. And all identifying with the Father's will and loving purpose are part of this whole process of saving, sanctifying love which at the end of time will bring all things to perfection.